Minecraft Round 2: Assessing student understanding of Online Course Evaluations (OCEs)

In this week’s tutorial I focused on online course evaluations (OCEs) at Stanford University (where I currently work) and the grade hold process tied to OCEs. As a brief background, grade holds are placed on the student’s record prior to the OCE session opening, and students are required to complete all OCEs before the grade hold will be released. I decided to focus my Minecraft design on a bridge format to essentially bridge student understanding between OCEs and how they relate to the grade holds on the student records. As outlined in my previous blog post, found in the link below, I crafted a rough draft of my expectations for the Minecraft design, and what points I wanted to touch on:

Minecrafty: Drafting for Minecraft Design

The tutorial below highlights the design and the main concepts I hope to cover, but also knowing the time restrictions on the tutorial video, it unfortunately does not focus on every little detail I put into the design. My goal is that students would clearly spend more than 5 minutes reviewing the bridge, and I encourage you to explore the OCE bridge and provide feedback below.

Lastly, in putting together the tutorial below, I honestly found the time limit of 5 minutes quite challenging. I think I went through about 12-15 attempts on the video, each time timing out around 5:15 or so, exceeding the 5 minute requirement. Since I had spent roughly 3 hours a night for the last week building this bridge, you can imagine how frustrating it was to then not be able to eloquently state your design in the time limit. My video below is timed at 5:06, so hopefully this won’t be an issue with Michelle or Sandra when reviewing.

Despite my struggles with the video aspect, I really enjoyed spending the last week building and designing an area of instruction, assessment and feedback within Minecraft. As I’m not a teacher, I tried to put together a topic, assess student understanding of that topic, and then provide them with a means to evaluate the information covered within Minecraft. So hopefully this approach is conveyed in both the design and tutorial below. Thanks to all those who explored my bridge and please feel free to leave any comments, questions or recommendations for improvement.

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